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Me playing this game after update: poiuytrewqpoiuytrewqpoiuytrewq if you understand what i mean 😏, and rip green and blue cube :(. This game is the best game I have played in a long time, I think I'd had to rate it 5 stars on everything. Good job! :D

LMAO Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!




when chapter 2


(2 edits) (+1)

chapter 2 is great

was fully expecting a boss fight at the end there.

(you can totally make one by the end of the jam i believe in you)

p.s. I saw chapter 4 is meant to be one but if you added one before the end of the jam you might be able to make top 10. this game is great

Thanks! Yeah I really want to finish before the deadline but I'm not sure I really have the time lol. For now I'll try to finish up Chapter 3 and then get to the boss fight once all the mechanics are in place.


cant wait for chapter 2

It's finally out now!
I can finally sleep again after all this time...


i'm actually kinda hyped for chapter 2. i really wanna see what you're gonna do. the story is getting interesting, but the gameplay is too easy right now. i'm waiting for it to get interesting :)

Well, Chapter 2 is out now!


it was definitely worth playing. the dialogue is nice and it was actually really fun. nice job



love the game being literally RGB x3

the best i've played so far

Thanks a bunch!

I got the initial idea for my next jam game to revolve around easily drawn boxes about a month ago as a time saving measure, but with the theme being Aberration I just had to make the cubes RGB lmao

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game, but I would prefer it if the controls are...

  1. A, D, & IOP
  2. Left, right, ZXC

For left, right, left jump, middle jump, and right jump, respectively.


The later levels might become a bit harder without left handed jump controls, unless I can find a better control method, but for now I've added support for A and D

(1 edit) (+2)

im hype for the cartesian plane

Thanks! I just added that chapter now!


if i press all the jump buttons at once its loud, idk if you can fix it

Thanks for letting me know! I've implemented a fix that will go up when I finish Chapter 1